
Primary solids consist of spheres, cylinders, cones, pyramids, and cubes. Primary solids are three-dimensional shapes whose primary shapes can be altered to form volumetric forms or solids that are regular and easily recognizable.

Dimensional transformation is when a three dimensional form can be transformed by changing one or more of its dimensions and still be able to keep its original shape. Even though this form is transformed, it's still recognized as being a member of its original family of forms. For example, a cube can be altered  by changing the width so it becomes a thin plane. It can also be stretched out into a long, rectangular form. 

Subtractive forms are forms that can be altered by subtracting a portion or portions from its overall shape and volume. Depending on how much of the form was subtracted, the form can retain its original shape or it can change completely, transforming it into a form of another family. For example, a cube can still look like a cube if a little piece of it were removed, however, if enough is subtracted, the cube can begin to transform into a spherical form. In the third image above, the yellow lines show the parts of the house that were subtracted and the yellow shows the overall structure of the house.

Additive forms are forms that are produced by attaching one or more other forms to the original structure. Additive forms are categorized into five different types: centralized forms, linear forms, radial forms, clustered forms and grid forms. A centralized form is when several forms are clustered around a central form. Centralized forms normally require the visual dominance of a regular, centrally located form, such as a sphere, cone or cylinder. Linear forms are when a series of forms are arranged along a line. These series of forms may be repetitive or dissimilar and may be organized with the use of a wall or path. Radial forms are additive forms in which its linear forms extend outward from a central point in a circular manner. The image above is also an example of radial form because the petals on the flower extend outward from the centralized bulb of the flower. Clustered forms are a series of forms that are grouped closely together in order to create a larger structure. Last but not least, a grid form is a series of forms organized in a grid system. A grid system is a series of parallel lines that intersects in order to create sets of geometric squares or rectangles.

Formal collisions of geometry is when forms that differ in geometry or orientation collide. Because of this, each form will then compete for visual dominance. Five categories that formal collisions of geometry are divided into are: circle and square, rotated grid, articulation of form, edges and corners and surfaces.Circle and square is just what the name says: it's when a circle and square collide in order to form a structure or composition. A rotated grid is a grid that has been rotated or turned to some degree. A grid is a pattern of straight lines that crosses each other to form squares or rectangles. The image above is a perfect example of rotated grid. Its the floor plan of Mark's Tower, a structure located in New York City built by Frank Lloyd Wright. The second image show the grids in the plan that are examples of rotated gird. The third image is a diagram that shows how the grid is rotated in the floor plan. The pink square is the original grid and the yellow square shows how the original grid was rotated. Articulation of form is when the surfaces of a form come together in order to define its shape and volume. Articulation of form shows the relationship of the parts in a shape. For edges and corners, both edges and corners work together in order to form a structure or composition. Edges are the outer limits of an object, area or surface. A corner is the meeting point of two planes. Surfaces are planes that make up a structure or composition. Surfaces are everywhere. Tabletops and walls on a building are some everyday examples. 


  1. nice work!:)
    But I think you can still work on the diagram a little bit, keep working!:)

    1. I just refined my diagrams. Thanks for the advice though Kasey!

  2. I like your diagram of dimensional transformation the most. Also, I like the change on the diagram of formal collision of geometry.
